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Do you have an entrance exam? My daughter is 10 years old (current Year 6); she is shy and does not perform particularly well in interviews or test situations.

Our 11+ entrance examinations take place in January of each year, for entry in the following September. We take pride in bringing out the best in all our pupils, whatever their strengths and weaknesses and aim to make the entrance process as stress-free as possible. Please contact school to discuss the examination and interview process for your daughter.

At what age do the children start to go on Round Square exchanges, conferences and visits?

Children join in Round Square activities from Year 7 upwards and participate in these throughout their time in Senior House.  For girls in Junior House there are activity camps, a summer residential for the whole of Key Stage 2 and the opportunity to apply for a place at a CISV (Children's International Summer Village) which is aimed at 11-12 year olds.

If my child moves between key years in her education eg between GCSE and Sixth Form, does a term's notice still have to be given?

Yes, a full term's notice in writing is required if your daughter leaves at the end of a year, whichever year group she is in.

Have you got an open day planned in the next few months?

The next open day for the whole school is scheduled for Saturday 5th October 2024 from 9.30 am to 11.30 pm.  If you are unable to make that date or you would like to arrange a visit before then, please telephone Mrs Jane Jokelson on 0191 255 3980.

My daughter is thinking of joining your school but it would be in the middle of the school year. Would that be a problem?


We are happy to welcome girls to join us at any point through the school year. Our dedicated and welcoming staff will ensure that she is supported to settle in quickly and catch up on any missing work.

If you have any questions please contact the school office for further details; our experienced and friendly admissions team will guide you carefully through the process.   Telephone us on 0191 255 3980 or email

Do you offer scholarships?

We used to offer scholarships but, we have decided to redirect this money towards supporting bursary applicants instead to ensure we are accessible to the widest number of girls who would benefit from a Westfield education.


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