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eysBeau-FlorencenichaIt is wonderful to welcome our Early Years children to Westfield School at the start of an exciting new school year!

Our “returners” have arrived at school with great enthusiasm, a few centimetres taller and very pleased to be the “big” girls.  They have been friendly and kind and most instrumental in helping our new children feel welcome and settled.

The autumn sunshine has been wonderful and the girls have thoroughly enjoyed outdoor activities.  We have taken the opportunity to get to know each other and to form positive relationships while exploring our environment and establishing our routines.

We have also begun to introduce the Round Square Heroes of Discovery; Teamwork Tama and Communication Cara who have helped us remember to listen carefully, take turns to speak and to accept the ideas and opinions of others.

Early phonic work has been great fun. We enjoyed the story of Avocado Baby (a), made guacamole style salad and planted the avocado stones.  Plum jam (p) (cooked in the microwave) was a very messy activity, especially peeling the plums!  It was delicious and we all enjoyed snack time.

In maths we are noticing pattern and talking about amounts.  We are taking part in lots of matching and sorting activities and a great deal of discussion about “what we see and how we see it?”

We are all looking forward to lots of exciting learning opportunities during the year.